Each year, new furniture designs come fresh to the market, new styles come out, embargo lifts, and you then update yours. But in order to get the most value for your investment, the question that will pop out will be on how to properly take care of it?
1. Leather Look Textiles Are Great but They Still Collect Dust
– For basic cleaning, use a vacuum or lightly brush the furniture to remove dust and grime
– To remove light spots, please apply lukewarm water only – then dry immediately with a dry cloth
– Do not under any circumstances use any cleaning agents
– Do not cover your sofa bed with blankets, sheets or similar for longer periods as the sofa and the cover needs regular ventilation to avoid the fabric from cracking and peeling.
2. Natural materials – wood and leather
Several Innovation Living models have wooden legs and/or arms. As wood is a living natural material that continues to work overtime, its color and surface change according to the use of the furniture. Wood must be protected from direct sunlight to reduce fade.
Also, leather will fade just like other natural materials being exposed to sunlight and high heat. Consequently, furniture should not be exposed to direct sunlight or direct heat from heaters or other heat sources over long periods of time. Generally, natural leather lasts longer if it is cleaned and maintained regularly. Use cleaning agents intended for leather furniture only.
3. Other textiles
– For basic cleaning, please vacuum the furniture to remove dust and grime
– If your furniture is stained with beverages, food or the like, immediately wipe as much off as possible using a clean cotton cloth. If a stain remains, apply mild detergent foam with a soft brush or sponge in circular motions. The clean spot can be dried with a hairdryer using warm air only. Vacuum your furniture when the clean spot is dry. Remember to always pre-test on a small area not too obvious to the eye
– For tougher stains such as oil, ink etc., please consult a professional dry cleaner
This guide has been developed by professional furniture specialists, however, please be aware that this care guide holds suggested guidelines for maintenance and that there is no guarantee that results will be completely successful in all cases. Consequently, please note that suggested methods are used on your own responsibility.
Please consult an expert for advice.