Promo Mechanics:
- Promo is valid from November 1 – December 29, 2023 only.
- Clients can avail up to 40% discount from selected items from Alf Dafre, Bonaldo, Bontempi Casa, Innovation Living, Living Space, Linie Design, Nordlux and Varaschin.
- This is valid for on-stock items only.
- Items are on an as-is, where-is basis, cannot be refunded or exchanged, so please check item.
- Delivery of items will be scheduled as longs as we are permitted to enter your area. A standard delivery charge will be reflected on the order slip once order is confirmed. Delivery charges will vary depending on the location. Delivery shall be three (3) to five (5) working days from the confirmation of FULL payment.
- A Down payment of 50% is required for reservation of item, 50% balance to be settled before delivery. Payment mode accepted: cash, online bank transfers, bank deposits and check payments only.
- Promo cannot be used in conjunction with other promos.
- Please email the proof of payment to the following:
Manila branch: [email protected] I Cebu branch: [email protected]
Manila branch: 0917 811 9392 | Cebu branch: 0919 089 0973
Modernbrands will viber / email you an official order slip as your proof of order. Kindly send payment directly to Modernbrands bank details only.